I try to be in the moment.
I know it´s important.
We have summer in the city.
We spend Time in our back yard and
in our allotment-garden cottage.
It´s luxury that little wooden cottage, I drew it and we built it.
One day I´ll show You the sketches.
But I ogle at my studio.
My husband is there working at his science research right now.
Even though I know that my work is working on its own and
it´s good with a distance. I long for
unrestrained work of importance.
me and the kids are just
being one of the most important words, and
I am the moment.
onsdag 30 juni 2010
måndag 28 juni 2010
weekword: ingenting / nothing
Proud to announce this weekword, it´s
Please join, leave a comment here and I´ll link to Your view of nothing on friday.
So if You feel that You have nothing to say, You´re even more welcome!
and here some magic, I was there :) it was really something!
As my son says:
"my heart beats a little faster when listening to this"
he was also there during the concert,
he was in my belly.
Please join, leave a comment here and I´ll link to Your view of nothing on friday.
So if You feel that You have nothing to say, You´re even more welcome!
and here some magic, I was there :) it was really something!
As my son says:
"my heart beats a little faster when listening to this"
he was also there during the concert,
he was in my belly.
fredag 25 juni 2010
weekword: non/attachment
I guess this weekword is attached to the last weekword, ´cause it´s in a dream.
If I dream about a man telling me something, are the words his or mine?
When I wake up, can I then say that I came up with that clever sentence that he gave me?
It is my dream, I was dreaming about him.
His words as he spoke them, but
in my dream.
So can I use that sentence as mine or
is it his?
I guess the dream is the question.
I can´t remeber the sentence.
It´s a non attachment.
See who else has attachment or non attachment this week at her place.
Photos by Ansgar four years old.
And to all of You a Happy Midsummer!
Here is our celebration last year.
söndag 20 juni 2010
kvällstid / night time
fredag 18 juni 2010
weekword: dröm / dream
Hur många legobitar ryms det i en dröm?
Vi var på Legoland i ett par dagar.
Bästa platsen någonsin, enligt barnen.
Fotografierna har min fyraåring tagit.
Legoland ur hans synvinkel, hans dröm.
Fotografierna har min fyraåring tagit.
Legoland ur hans synvinkel, hans dröm.
How many pieces of Lego can a dream hold?
We spent two days at Legoland.
Best place ever, according to the kids.
We spent two days at Legoland.
Best place ever, according to the kids.
The pictures are taken by my four year old.
Legoland from his visual angle, his dream.
Today Elisabeth leads the way to interpretations of dreams. Please join!
By the way, Your best dream can come true!
torsdag 17 juni 2010
årstiderna / the seasons
jag är fortfarande yrvaken
I´m still drowsy
årstiderna är som ett sammelsurium i kroppen.
Den långa vintern
den sköra, men starka våren som
till slut bryter igenom och
nu sommar
syrenerna har redan blommat över.
Inom mig
skottar jag snö
vidrör knoppar
sparkar grus på gatan
lyssnar i fågelägg som snart kläcks
har näsan i pioner
sparar till vinterpäls
går barfota och
möter den friska höstluften.
möter den friska höstluften.
årstiderna är som ett sammelsurium i kroppen
jag är fortfarande yrvaken.
I´m still drowsy
in my body the seasons jumble.
The long winter
the fragile, but strong spring that
eventually brakes through and
now summer
the lilac has already bloomed.
I´m snow clearing
touching buds
kicking gravel on the street
listening to birds eggs that are just about to hatch
have my nose in peonies
growing a fur before winter
walking bare-foot and
meeting the fresh autumn wind.
in my body the seasons jumble
I´m still drowsy.
onsdag 16 juni 2010
vill / want
fredag 11 juni 2010
weekword: transparent
This is such a huge word, good choice Gina.
If I let my mind free on this one, it flies of in different directions.
I think of the world and all the beauty that surrounds us and all the beauty that we hold. And I wish that we all could see our existence more in a transparent way. See all the layers, see all the splendid details of everything.
If we did, we would also see our fears and therefore not be afraid.
The world could be a safer place,
this leads me to the other meaning of the word; open, sincere, honest, frank. Such an important word, transparent.
Sweet Gina at Just a humble bee leads the way, she holds nature in a gentle hand, go there!
On monday Textilspanieln will give us the next weekword. Please join! Thanks Elisabeth.
If I let my mind free on this one, it flies of in different directions.
I think of the world and all the beauty that surrounds us and all the beauty that we hold. And I wish that we all could see our existence more in a transparent way. See all the layers, see all the splendid details of everything.
If we did, we would also see our fears and therefore not be afraid.
The world could be a safer place,
this leads me to the other meaning of the word; open, sincere, honest, frank. Such an important word, transparent.
Sweet Gina at Just a humble bee leads the way, she holds nature in a gentle hand, go there!
On monday Textilspanieln will give us the next weekword. Please join! Thanks Elisabeth.
torsdag 10 juni 2010
färg / colorant
På bottenvåningen i min ateljé.
I händelsernas centrum.
I händelsernas centrum.
Min skyddsrock måste placeras synligt och nästan i vägen för mig så att jag inte glömmer den och plötsligt dyker in i färgen och börjar måla. Har jag väl gått in i målnings- eller tryckprocess är kläderna ingenting jag prioriterar. Detta har jag lärt mig av erfarenhet.
Är det likadant för Dig?
In the basement of my studio.
In the center of events.
My protective coat has to be visually placed for me, I must not forget it and dive in to the paint and start my work. Once in the work process of painting or printing my clothes are not my priority. This I have learned by experience.
Have You the same experience?
my visual art,
onsdag 9 juni 2010
söndag 6 juni 2010
håll fast / hold on
fredag 4 juni 2010
weekword: nu / now
nu är
nu är platsen
nu är platsen att vara
nu är nu, även upp och ner.
now is
now is the place
now is the place to be
in now, everything is won.
Weekword now.
Please visit these beautiful people, they will give You thoughts about now, right about now:
up side down bee,
veja cecilia,
just a humble bee,
all I ever wanted,
till vidas ära,
malins ögonblick,
et lille oejeblik,
Still time to join, I´ll just put You in to the list. Do it now!
On monday just a humble bee (thanks, I´m so curious about Your choice) will unveil the next weekword!
nu är
nu är platsen
nu är platsen att vara
nu är nu, även upp och ner.
now is
now is the place
now is the place to be
in now, everything is won.
Weekword now.
Please visit these beautiful people, they will give You thoughts about now, right about now:
up side down bee,
veja cecilia,
just a humble bee,
all I ever wanted,
till vidas ära,
malins ögonblick,
et lille oejeblik,
Still time to join, I´ll just put You in to the list. Do it now!
On monday just a humble bee (thanks, I´m so curious about Your choice) will unveil the next weekword!
torsdag 3 juni 2010
i cirklar / in circles
i cirklar.
Cirklar runt i cirklar.
Mina cirkulära fynd, i väntan, i studion.
En hårsnodd, två rostiga metallringar, en gammal cykelfälg.
Perfekta fynd till mitt arbete.
Den sista bilden är en hälsning till Textilspanieln och hennes fötter och hennes mattor.
Och mitt i livet så är mitt hjärta och min bön i Gaza och hos folket i Israel som har sina hjärtan på båda sidor muren.
in circles.
Circles round in circles.
My circular findings, waiting, in the studio.
One hair band, two rusty metal rings, an old bicycle rim.
Perfect finds for my work.
The last photo is a greeting to Textilspanieln and her feet and her carpets.
And in the middle of life my heart and prayers are in Gaza and with the people of Israel who has their hearts on both sides of the wall.
tisdag 1 juni 2010
weekword: nu / now
Jag är värd för veckans ord.
Ordet är NU.
Lämna en kommentar här så länkar jag till Din tolkning av nu, nu på fredag.
I´m hosting this weekword.
The word is NOW.
Leave a comment here and I will link to Your interpretation of now, now on friday.
Ordet är NU.
Lämna en kommentar här så länkar jag till Din tolkning av nu, nu på fredag.
I´m hosting this weekword.
The word is NOW.
Leave a comment here and I will link to Your interpretation of now, now on friday.
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