tisdag 23 mars 2010


Min son är besviken för att jag sålt verket "Flora" och att det nu hänger här. Han vill att jag ska göra en exakt likadan som ska hänga i barnens rum. Jag gillar att han gillar vad jag gör!

och Våren kommer med stormsteg utanför fönstret!

My son is mad at me for selling the piece "Flora" to this place. He wants me to do one, exact the same for the kids room. That he likes what I do, is something I like!

and Spring is aproaching outside the window!

3 kommentarer:

Aris sa...

you'd better get busy(: How wonderful that he appreciates your work! Love the new header, perfect for Spring!!!

Gracia sa...

Beautiful work. It looks like a touch of spring on your walls. Your sense of colour is both beautiful and considered.

hanna-happenings sa...

Thanks girls. Today I´m taking the kids to visit the library where my pieces are. Maybe my boy will accept it... :)